National Election Commission

The Election Commission (NEC) has a four-stage organizational structure, consisting of the National Election Commission, 17 Si/Do election commissions, 250 Gu/Si/Gun election commissions and 3,481 Eup/Myeon/Dong election commissions. Overseas Voting Committee is temporarily established at overseas embassies for the presidential election and the National Assembly elections to be conducted following the termination of office.
  • National Election Commission
    • Commission
      The National Election Commission is an independent constitutional agency composed of 9 members. 3 members are appointed by the president, 3 elected by the National Assembly and 3 nominated by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The Chairperson and the Standing Commissioner are elected from among the Commissioners and as is its custom, the Justice of the Supreme Court is elected to be the Chairperson. The Standing Commissioner of State Minister level is a full-time position unlike the Chairperson, supports the Chairperson and oversees the Secretariat as directed by the Chairperson. 6 year term of office is guaranteed by the constitution. The Secretariat, the Internet Election News Deliberation Commission and the Election Debate Broadcasting Commission are the NEC's affiliated institutions.
      Introduction of National Election Commission Members
      The term of office of the members of the Commission shall be six years. No member of the Commission shall be expelled from office except by impeachment or a sentence of imprisonment without prison labor or heavier punishment. The members of the Commission shall not join political parties, nor shall they participate in political activities. The Commissioners endorsed by the National Assembly shall have a social position of that of general Commissioners.
      Vice Chairperson & Commissioner chart
    • Secretariat

      The Secretariat is composed of the Secretary General of State Minister level and the Deputy Secretary General of Vice Minister level in addition to two offices, twenty five divisions and one training institute. Its employees are equal in status with government officials. Human resources matters including employment, promotion, appointment and transfer are managed autonomously to maintain independence in human resources management.

    • Organization

      secretary General chart