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DCPOP Holds Discussion on “Changes in the Election Opinion Poll Environment and Improvement of Deliberation System”

Date :10/28/2024Read : 52

The Deliberative Committee on Public Opinion Polls will hold a discussion on “Changes in the Election Opinion Survey Environment and Improvement of the Deliberation System” at 3:00 PM on Tuesday, October 29, at the press conference room on the 19th floor of the Korea Press Center.


The Committee has been conducting practical research since June of this year to review related issues and prepare improvement plans for the election opinion survey system after the 22nd National Assembly election, and is also conducting research services on “Changes in the Election Opinion Survey Environment and Improvement of Reliability.”


This discussion is a place to collect opinions from political parties, academic societies, and industry professionals on the improvement plan for the election opinion survey system* that the Deliberative Committee on Public Opinion Polls is preparing, as well as to hear other suggestions and suggestions for improving the election opinion survey system.


* Plans to improve the election opinion poll system: 1) Improvement of the election opinion poll implementation reporting system; 2) Prohibition of advance disclosure of election opinion poll schedule; 3) Strengthening of registration requirements for election opinion poll agencies; 4) Mandatory provision of incentives for election opinion polls for public announcement; 5) Introduction of web surveys using mobile phone virtual number text message function; 6) Introduction of election opinion poll quality evaluation system


The Deliberative Committee on Public Opinion Polls decided to create a consensus on the plan to improve the election opinion poll system through a discussion and to listen to the opinions of those involved in the opinion poll and reflect them in the plan to improve the system.


The discussion will be moderated by Professor Kim Young-won of the Department of Statistics at Sookmyung Women’s University and will be led by Professor Kim Seok-ho of the Department of Sociology at Seoul National University and Director Kang Seok-bong of the Committee. The topics include ‘1) Election opinion poll environment diagnosis and improvement measures; 2) Operation direction of the deliberation system according to changes in the regulatory environment; 3) Amendment of laws to enhance the reliability of election opinion polls,’ and there will be open discussion and presentations by each discussant.


In addition, in order to collect substantial opinions, a total of six people, including public opinion experts from political party-affiliated policy research institutes, people who can represent the public opinion research industry, and professors, will participate as discussants in this discussion.


Through this discussion, the National Election Commission plans to prepare a system improvement plan that reflects opinions from the field and actively work to create realistic institutional conditions for securing objectivity and reliability of election opinion polls by continuously collecting opinions from public opinion poll officials.

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